www.gusucode.com > A benchmark software for MSPC工具箱matlab程序 > A benchmark software for MSPC/InterpTemp.m

function [sys,x0,str,ts] = InterpTemp(t,x,u,flag)
%qFactor_S_Function: Calculates tray temperatures from compositions

switch flag,

  % Initialization %
  case 0,

  % Derivatives %
  case 1,

  % Outputs %
  case 3,

  % Unhandled flags %
  case { 2, 4, 9 },
    sys = [];

  % Unexpected flags %
    DAStudio.error('Simulink:blocks:unhandledFlag', num2str(flag));

% end csfunc

% mdlInitializeSizes
% Return the sizes, initial conditions, and sample times for the S-function.
function [sys,x0,str,ts]=mdlInitializeSizes()

sizes = simsizes;
sizes.NumContStates  = 0;
sizes.NumDiscStates  = 0;
sizes.NumOutputs     = 41;
sizes.NumInputs      = 41;
sizes.DirFeedthrough = 1;
sizes.NumSampleTimes = 1;

sys = simsizes(sizes);

% initialize the initial conditions
x0  = [];

% str is always an empty matrix
str = [];

% initialize the array of sample times
ts  = [0 0];

% Specify the block simStateCompliance. The allowed values are:
%    'UnknownSimState', < The default setting; warn and assume DefaultSimState
%    'DefaultSimState', < Same sim state as a built-in block
%    'HasNoSimState',   < No sim state
%    'DisallowSimState' < Error out when saving or restoring the model sim
%    state
% end mdlInitializeSizes
% mdlDerivatives
% Return the derivatives for the continuous states.
function sys=mdlDerivatives(t,x,u)

sys = [];

% end mdlDerivatives
% mdlOutputs
% Return the block outputs.
function sys=mdlOutputs(t,x,u)

VLEdata = load('VLEdata.mat');
xA = VLEdata.xA;
Tbubble = VLEdata.Tbubble;

Compositions = u;

if min(Compositions) < min(xA) || max(Compositions) > max(xA)
    %ODE could temporary lead to absurd composition values
    Temperatures = zeros(size(Compositions));
    Temperatures = interp1(xA,Tbubble,Compositions);

sys = Temperatures;

% end mdlOutputs